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Club History and Honour Boards

Club Officials | Club Champions | State Champions

How the ARCYRC was formed

"A birth of a club"

It all started with some minds (of the same ilk) coming together at the same time. Actually getting Radio Control Sailors together to agree on anything is a miracle in itself! We took this as a sign. It was around the middle of August 2003 when the group all came together, the reason or catylast should remain lost in history, what was important was the need to progress Radio Control Yacht Racing in the metropolitan area.

It appeared that the formally organised Radio Control yachting in the Adelaide metropolitan area had stagnated and was not growing at the same rate as the other clubs had around Australia. The condition of Radio Control sailing was not necessarily terminal though. The number of unaffiliated sailors at various venues around the metro area indicated some good depth. A long hard look was made at the possible reasons for the growth in some areas and stagnation and decline in others.

Thus bourne out of these initial discussions was the idea for the formation of the Adelaide Radio Control Yacht Racing Club Inc.

If this new fledgling club was to survive, it was becoming aparent that philosophical & conceptional changes to Radio Control Yacht Racing would have to be embraced. Some of the ideas coming forward from the foundation members were:

  1. That "the new club" would have to stand alone with new membership
  2. Embrace new technologies, ideas from members
  3. Be dynamic
  4. Be able to change as Radio Yachting changed over time
  5. To foster intra club growth and attendance at interstate regattas
  6. Form closer links with unaffiliated radio control sailors
  7. Encourage and implement new racing concepts along with multi disciplined class sailing

to name only a few ideas.

So here we are now, an incorporated club and beginning to grow in a totally new way. At this point we must thank so many people for their encouragement and wisdom in getting this new club and concept of racing out onto the water. We are resisting nominating names in fear of missing someone out and offending them, so to the foundation members and all others joining, "We thank you"

Club Officials

ARCYRC Office Bearers
Year Commodore Secretary Treasurer
2003 Steve Arthur Ron Parker Tony Britton
2004 Steve Arthur Ian Whitrod Jurgen Luther
2005 Steve Arthur Steve Arthur Jurgen Luther
2006 Rob Guyatt John Johnson Jurgen Luther
2007 Rob Guyatt John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2008 Rob Guyatt John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2009 Rob Guyatt John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2010 Rob Guyatt John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2011 Brett Osborn John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2012 Brett Osborn John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2013 Brett Osborn John Johnson Graham Ingerson
2014   John Johnson Rob Cameron
2015   John Johnson Rob Cameron
2016 Brett Osborn Paul Littledyke Duncan Groome


National Champions

2016 IOM Scott Mitchell

Club Champions

Year IOM M 10R A Class
2004   John Gratton Kevin McPherson Steve Arthur
2005   John Smith Steve Arthur Kevin McPherson
2006     John Inverarity Rob Guyatt
2007   John Smith Ron Parker Mark Britton
2008   John Inverarity Kevin McPherson Tony Britton
2009 Paul Littledyke Graham Ingerson John Smith  
2010 Brett Osborn Ben Morris Ben Morris  
2011 Brett Osborn Greg Peake Greg Peake  
2012 Paul Littledyke Greg Peake    
2013 Scott Mitchell Brett Osborn   RC Laser
2014 Scott Mitchell Brett Osborn   Jurgen Luther
2015 Paul Littledyke Scott Mitchell    
2016 Paul Littledyke not enough rounds completed    


State Champions

2004 10R - Steve Arthur 2009 10R - Ron Parker
2004 A Class - Steve Arthur 2010 Marblehead - Ben Morris*
2005 IOM - John Gratton 2010 IOM - Dallas Deussen
2005 Marblehead - Steve Arthur 2011 10R - Ben Morris*
2005 A Class - Steve Arthur 2012 10R - Ben Morris*
2006 10R - Steve Arthur 2012 Marblehead - Brett Osborn
2006 Marblehead - Steve Arthur  
2006 IOM - John Gratton  
2006 A Class - Steve Arthur  
2007 10R - Dale Lewis  

* = Associate member
